Robin – Ulmus Wingham – December 30th 2019
Ulmus Wingham: a complex hybrid elm cultivar featuring two Asiatic and two European species, bestowing it with an exceptionally high resistance to Dutch elm disease. Raised by the Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante in Florence, Introduced to the UK in 2011 by Dr David Herling, Resistant Elms, who trialled it successfully at Wingham in Kent. Later trialled by Hampshire & Isle of Wight Branch, Butterfly Conservation, as part of an assessment of DED-resistant cultivars as potential hosts of the endangered White-letter Hairstreak. Released for sale in the UK in 2019.

Hazel – Sequoiadendron Giganteum Pendulum – December 27th 2022
Sequoiadendron Giganteum Pendulum: A large, evergreen tree that reaches approximately 15 metres in height and 3-4 metres in width. It has a broadly weeping, very irregular growing habit, with branches hanging down sharply and some growing in a horizontal, undulating pattern. It has blueish-grey, awl-shaped leaves 6-12mm long arranged spirally round the shoots and a striking reddish-brown, soft and fibrous, deeply grooved trunk. Upright cones appear after flowering and when ripe, the reddish-brown cones (5-8cm) hang down.

Zack – Sequoiadendron giganteum – October 7th 2024
Sequoiadendron giganteum: A very large and long-lived evergreen tree that reaches more than 100 metres in height in its natural region of origin. As a young tree it, has a densely branched, conical habit. As the tree matures, the branches are more widely spread and conspicuously downswept. It has sharp, blueish-green, awl-shaped leaves 6-12mm long arranged spirally round the shoots. Upright cones appear after flowering and when ripe, the reddish-brown cones (5-8cm) hang down.

One response to “Grandchildren Trees”
Lovely photos!
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